Let Me Help
You Overcome Alcohol Addiction and Move Beyond Recovery to a Better Life!

Are You a Recovering Alcoholic?

Would You Like Some Help?

Are you wondering if my services are right for you? Then ask yourself the following questions.

  • Still struggling with alcoholism and addiction?
  • Feeling unfulfilled in your recovery?
  • Battling to get sober?
  • Seeking more joy in your life?
  • Feeling ‘stuck’, or frustrated in your recovery?
  • Feeling your life lacks deeper meaning and purpose?
  • Uncomfortable with some conventional approaches to recovery?
  • Wanting more than your current 12-step program?
  • Feeling demotivated and uninspired?
  • Wanting to be completely free of an ‘alcoholic’, ‘addict’, ‘recovering alcoholic’ identity?
  • Discover and explore your ‘true’, ‘real’ self?
  • Raise your consciousness?
  • Be healthy, happy and fit?
  • Live a deeply meaningful and purposeful life?
  • Be of great benefit to the world in your own unique way?
  • Strive towards living in a state of ‘Radical Well-being’?
  • Live a fulfilling life?

If you answered yes to any of the questions then contact me to discuss my approach and how I can help you.

FREE, no obligation 30-minute consultation

What I Can Do For You

I draw from my own experience to assist you to find out how to overcome alcohol addiction and guide you along the path to recovery. The journey doesn’t end there. My aim is to help you move beyond being a recovering alcoholic to freedom and ‘Radical Well-being’. This is a place of vast potential, joy and fulfilment.